IEEE 16th Workshop on Positioning, Navigation and Communications

We are gearing up to resume WPNC 22/23.
Please check the website regularly for further information.
As the number of applications in IoT, Industry 4.0 and Mobility 4.0 continues to grow, pushing localization, tracking and navigation technologies further and further in penetration to unprecedentedly large scales over both time and space, a new paradigm shift awaits to make its impact, and that is the decreasing gap between the constraints faced by wireless communications and positioning systems.
To elaborate, most wireless systems today are data-oriented, and therefore are designed to deliver relatively long sequences of packets with payload significantly longer than overhead information, to a single access point (at uplink).
With the explosion of scale expected to occur with the deployment of the IoT (both consumer and industrial) and of connected vehicles, future wireless systems will, however, become increasingly connectivity-oriented, relying on shorter packets and multi-point access, much like the majority of localization networks are by nature.
Furthermore, under the pressure of ever-scarcer frequency resources, wireless systems are set to move decidedly to higher frequency bands (including millimeter wave and visible light), bringing to the design table, once again, challenges that are well-known by the localization community.
The result of this process of approximation is that a stronger cross-breeding between wireless localization and wireless communication systems will both be possible and likely. This trend is in fact already observed in the increasing body of work both on location-based parameterization and optimization of wireless systems, as well as on localization systems designed for mmWave and visible light wireless platforms. In light of the above, the theme for WPNC’19 will be Localization, Tracking and Communications in large scales. Some topics of interest are highlighted below.

Notification of Acceptance Extended!
19 Sep 2019
Paper Submission | |
Extended Paper Submission | 31 Jul 2019 |
Notification of Acceptance | |
Extended Notification of Acceptance | 19 Sep 2019 |
Camera Ready Submission | 13 Oct 2019 |
Early-Bird Registration expires | 30 Sep 2019 |
WPNC’19 Workshop | 23-24 Oct 2019 |
Authors are invited to submit contributions presenting scientific results, system implementations, experimental evaluations and field trials addressing, but not limited to the following topics:
IoT and 5G Networks: Algorithms and Application
Localization in IoT and LPWA networks
Localization in 5G-V2X and NGV Nets
Localization in visible-light Bands
Highly integrated localization and communications
Joint localization and comm. in mmWave Nets
Localization with new radios and new waveforms
AI-Aided and Participatory Localization
Big data analysis for localization
Georefer. crowd sensing and participatory cartography
Machine learning for localization
Advanced fingerprinting
Localization and Communication for Industry 4.0 and Smart Energy Management
Localization in automation network
Indoor SLAM
Dynamic and intermittent networks
Localization for smart grids and power management
Localization for robotics
Data Fusion and Hybrid Localization
Localization and Communication for Mobility 4.0
Localization in vehicular networks
Localization for ITS
Localization for public transportation
Vehicular simultaneous localization and mapping
HAD localization and communication
Localization of drones and UAVs
Specific localization techniques and technologies RFID based approaches
Inside-out geolocation
Ultra-sound ranging
Active u0026amp; passive object tracking
UWB ranging / UWB imaging
Multipath-aided localization
Propagation issues u0026amp; specific antennas design
Optical and quasi-optical geolocation
Cooperative and M2M localization
Advanced hybrid data fusion
Robust and Secure Positioning
Localization with/for privacy
Fundamental limits of secure positioning
Secure ranging and localization
Multipath and non-line of sight mitigation
Resilience vs. faulty and outlier measurements
Location-based authentication
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